Nearly $3 Million is Up For Grabs for Utah Businesses to Install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Don’t miss out on incentives for electric vehicle charging at our homes and businesses! Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are offering incentives for electric vehicle Level 2 charging stations installed in our homes and workplaces. These incentives can be combined to minimize the cost to the building or business owner to get most, or all of their charging station installation covered at no cost.

RMP has approximately $200,000 of funding available to its commercial customers to install Level 2 EV charging stations, and an additional $50,000 funding for Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations. For a single port Level 2 charger, Rocky Mountain Power will pay 75% of the cost, up to $1,000; for a multi-port charger it will pay for 75% of up to $1,500.

Additionally, DEQ still has approx. $2.7 million in unspent incentives for the current fiscal year. The DEQ incentive provides 50% of the cost to purchase and install eligible Level 2 charging stations with a $75,000 maximum reimbursable amount for businesses and non-profit organizations.

In addition, all residents who are customers of RMP are eligible for up to $200 in incentives for installing a Level 2 charger at home.

“More stations and easier access are selling points for those considering getting an electric vehicle—and that’s a win for our air quality—and having a station at your business can translate into increased sales and new customers to your business” said Thomas Kessinger, Utah Clean Energy’s Beneficial Electrification Manager “In addition, offering employees workplace charging is a unique perk that that many don’t offer in a tight labor market.” There is a large range of electric vehicle charging equipment with many models under $1,000 that can provide non-networked charging. To qualify for the incentives, the charger must be certified by Underwriters Laboratories (or an equivalent) and installed by a qualified electrician in accordance with all state and local codes, permitting and inspection requirements.

For more information on the incentives, please visit:

List of Rocky Mountain Power Approved Level 2 Chargers

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