Advocating for Robust Energy Efficiency Programs

Energy efficiency is a cost-effective and powerful tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while cutting costs for families and businesses

Utah Clean Energy is working to ensure that Utah families and businesses have access to comprehensive ratepayer-funded energy efficiency incentive programs.

Featured Blog Post on Energy Efficiency Incentives

Federal Home Energy Rebates are Coming to Utah 

As you gear up for colder weather, how about adding some air quality improvements to your fall festivities? The Wasatch Front’s air quality challenges are …

Making an Impact with Energy Efficiency

“The energy efficiency upgrades we have taken on are estimated to cut energy consumption by 158,000 kilowatts. It’s equivalent to 275,000 miles of cars NOT being driven. If we can create a movement from this…perhaps it might create motivation for others to follow suite.”

Reverend Dr. Oscar Moses
More Blogs on Advocating for Energy Efficiency

Climate Change Leadership, Energy Equity, Utility Energy Efficiency Programs

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An Energy Efficiency Journey with Calvary Baptist Church

The leaders and members of Calvary Baptist Church – a community staple in Salt Lake City – are “walking the talk” as good stewards of the earth. In partnership with …

Climate Change Leadership, Renewable Energy Grid, Utility Energy Efficiency Programs

Renewable Energy

Bipartisan Relief Bill Includes Investment in Utah’s Clean Energy Industries

Congress included major clean energy innovation investments and relief for our clean energy industries in its critical last-minute omnibus budget …

Utility Energy Efficiency Programs

4,953 megawatts of energy saved through energy efficiency programs; and, 929 megawatts of energy saved through direct-load control programs.

Utility Report Shows Continued Energy Efficiency Cuts

Using less energy is good news all around. Using less energy efficiency to meet growing energy demand is bad news all around.  …

Electrifying our Homes and Buildings, Utility Energy Efficiency Programs

air sealing for renters

Utah Renters Energy Efficiency Guide

If you rent your home or apartment, it may seem like you have limited options to be more energy efficient, …

Our Utility Energy Efficiency Team

Director of Building Efficiency and Decarbonization