Utah Clean Energy’s Director of Government Relations and Public Affairs, Josh Craft, takes viewers through the priority bills that will impact clean energy, electric vehicles, and more!
Key steps and insights about how builders and homeowners can utilize zero energy design principles to inform your construction plans.
Energy Efficiency & Electrification
Key steps and insights about how builders and homeowners can utilize zero energy design principles to inform your construction plans.
Tools for building affordable, all-electric and emission free homes.
This document is intended to inform and guide the design and implementation of programs and policies related to home efficiency and electrification that are intended to expand access for LIDAC communities.
Strategies and actions to improve energy efficiency and resiliency throughout all sectors of the community. This Plan is designed to enhance economic stability, protect our quality of life, and preserve Ogden’s rich natural environment.
Learn from builders and contractors about how they built two Habitat for Humanity homes in Summit County to be Zero Energy.
Electric Transportation
EV Readiness refers to policies that support EV adoption through the installation of EV charging infrastructure.
Best practices and clean air solutions guide for local governments in Utah
Renewable Energy & Utility Topics
Utah’s largest utility, Rocky Mountain Power, proposed to increase electricity rates for their Utah customers. Utah Clean Energy’s experts break down the root causes of the proposed increase, and how a shift to clean energy can protect against rising and volatile fossil fuel prices. Download the power point here.
This document summarizes existing fnancial tools, discusses important fnancial barriers, and identifes emerging programs and opportunities to address these barriers.
This factsheet summarizes existing utility-sponsored battery programs and the value to the stakeholders. It then highlights Wattsmart, the customer-owned battery program ofered by Rocky Mountain Power in Utah, and provides lessons learned from a close look at the impact of the program design on commercial customer participation.
Three cities in Utah – Salt Lake City, Park City, and the City of Moab – set a goal to reach 100% net renewable electricity community-wide by 2030. This report evaluates the potential to deploy distributed energy resources (including energy efficiency, demand flexibility, beneficial electrification, solar, storage, and electric vehicles) to support the cities’ energy goals and complement utility-scale solar.
The 10 Year Solar Deployment Plan for Utah provides a clear path to overcome challenges to solar adoption and guide the development of a sustainable and robust solar market across Utah.