Volunteers Needed!
Position Description: Utah’s air quality problem is largely driven by the pollution emitted from our buildings, homes, and cars. But many communities across Utah are

Unpacking Rocky Mountain Power’s updated energy plan
This time last year, Utah Clean Energy was celebrating Rocky Mountain Power’s 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). This is the plan that lays out what

OED selected to receive $62 million for Solar for All program
The Utah Office of Energy Development (OED) has been selected to receive $62 million by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to launch the Solar for

Reflections on the Legislative Session: Clean Energy, Coal, and Diversity
Now that Governor Cox’s deadline to veto legislation has passed, the 2024 Legislative Session is officially over (with the caveat that special sessions are likely).

Tax Time Brings the Potential for Big Energy Savings
April signals tax season, not typically a time for celebration. However here at Utah Clean Energy, we’re excited about the millions of dollars of new

ElectrifyYour Fleet: Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleet Electrification Analysis
Have you wondered how electric medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) vehicles would perform in your fleet? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive a comprehensive

S.B. 189 will make rooftop solar fair and predictable
Utahns who want to go solar aren’t getting a fair deal for the solar energy they send to our shared energy grid. The current bill

2024 Legislative Priorities
The 2024 Utah Legislative Session begins January 16. Utah Clean Energy’s policy team is working on a variety of bills impacting clean air and climate,

Federal Home Energy Rebates are Coming to Utah
As you gear up for colder weather, how about adding some air quality improvements to your fall festivities? The Wasatch Front’s air quality challenges are

Reducing emissions with all electric homes powered by clean electricity
There’s a new trend gaining ground to #ElectrifyEverything. Beyond the hashtag, this is a key climate and air quality solution that has massive potential to

Beehive Emission Reduction Plan
The Utah Division of Air Quality is in early stages of applying for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Climate Pollution Reduction Grant” (CPRG) Program. This

Climate Innovation Center: Construction Photo Gallery
March 2024: Exterior Insulation and Brick If we haven’t made it clear yet, the Climate Innovation Center is going to be air tight! That means

Utah Housing Corporation Adopts New Incentives for Energy Innovations in Affordable Housing
Affordable housing developments in Utah are going to get a vital boost of energy efficiency and electric vehicle charging thanks to new incentives recently approved

Utah Supreme Court Ruling on Solar Case
Following two years of deliberation, the Supreme Court of the State of Utah finally filed its opinion on Vote Solar v. Public Service Commission of
Virtual Brown Bag Lunch & Learn: The History of Air Quality in Utah
August 23 | Noon – 1:00 PM | Virtual Join Utah Clean Energy to learn about Utah’s Rich History of Utah Air Quality & Advocacy with Utah